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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  September 22, 2010 12:35am-1:10am PST

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[ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac.
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♪ what did we learn on the show tonight, craig? ♪ [farts] [meow] craig: that's entertainment. good night, everybody! [ female announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart. but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night pillsbury ham and cheese crescents with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner.
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they're crescents for the other 364.
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined. i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that.
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executions. what the state's done to its death chamber to appease legal california could be inching close tore resuming executions. what the state's done to its death chamber to appease legal challenges. >> everyone needs to learn from this and not just take it lightly. it is horrible. >> for the second time in less than a week a teenager is accused of killing a friend while drinking and driving. how friends are remembering the latest victim. >> it would have been very nice that we called and they said there was nothing available. >> a tight real estate market extends to the here after what one bay community is doing to meat demands of the dearly departed. >> no need to play with pain.
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how a video game is doing the work of powerful medicine. i am ken bastida >> i am dana king. unions say pot should be legal. the largest union in the state just announced it is backing prop 19, the measure to legalize marijuana and what is more, people who work in the medical pot industry, are now card carrying members of the teamsters, complete with some pretty sweet benefits. joe vazquez how the teamsters have gone from trucking to toking. >> that is what our union label stands for. >> reporter: life imitates art ♪ so look for the usa >> reporter: more than 30 years ago saturday night live joked about it. now it is seriously happening more than 3 dozen marijuana gardeners, trimmers and cloners at the indoor marijuana growing facility in oakland have become real life members of the
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teamsters. >> they are workers they want benefits and protection. >> reporter: the spokesman said in an age of can he kleining union -- declining union membership it is time for them to branch out. >> it is a growing industry. >> reporter: definitely a growing industry. >> yeah, and there is going to be some potholes in the road. >> reporter: growers negotiated a two year contract giving them a pension, health insurance and paid vacation. they will now make $18 an hour which will bump up to $25.75 an hour within 15 months. >> a win-win for everyone workers get benefits we get a stable work force. >> the owners did not allow cbs 5 inside the nondescript warehouse and they asked us not to show the address they are worried about security. >> we do not produce this for the general public, only produced for medical co-ops, who sell it for very desperately ill patients. so it is a very close system.
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>> it is against federal law what do you do about that? >> it is legal under california law. >> reporter: in fact the u.s. attorney general said the feds will not go after those obeying state law. but isn't the union taking a risk. >> we can't use union money to get someone out of jail. >> as the marijuana industry continues to blossom in california, union recruitment is expected to increase, more singers for the new song of solidarity ♪ [ music ] meanwhile a coalition of medical marijuana advocates have come out against prop 19, the california cannabis association says the measure would harm patients by allowing local governments to prohibit the sale of pot, in their areas. >> it has been four years since california executed anybody that could change next week federal judge says he will decide by friday, whether the
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state can kill albert brown, convicted of the rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl in river side county. the same judge put a stay on all california executions back in 2006 saying the state's legal injection method caused great physical pain. because of that they built a new execution chamber at san quentin we are getting a first look at it tonight from alan martin. >> reporter: this is where cam fourneau's condemned men and women used -- california's condemned men and women used to die. san quentin's gas chamber converted in the 90s for lethal injection. the new chamber sits outside death row the inside is four times bigger than the old gas chamber new procedures are in place to make sure the process is painless for the condemned. >> this is the security area, a holding cell where the inmate spends the last 6 hours of his life. >> reporter: the prisoner will spend the last day in this small cell watched by guards to
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prevent suicide. he can talk to visitors on the other side of the bars or watch tv just outside his cell. shortly before midnight he will take the 16 steps into the injection room, and be strapped to the same gurney used in the old gas chamber. needles will be inserted in his arms with plastic tubes leading through holes into a hidden room, the infusion control resume where the execution team waits to pump the three chemicals that will first anaethesiaize and then stop the mans heart. on the wall hotlines to the attorney general should anyone decide to stop the execution. on the other side, viewing rooms one for the condemn's family and the other for the victims family. speakers relay the condemn's words to the witnesses.
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after he is pronounced dead curtains around the room will close. >> for the second time in four days a bay area teen is under arrest on a drunk driving charge, in a crash that left another teen dead. early this morning, in san jose, a car smacked into a pole on the expressway, kit doe shows a huge crowd turned out there tonight. >> reporter: another teenager has lost his life in a drunk driving crash. this is a wake up call. more than 200 people came to the scene of the crash to remember rashan. 3:00 a.m. tuesday morning an suv struck a light pole and burst into flames he was trapped inside and died on scene the driver, 18-year-old mitchell pennings went to hospital with nonlife threatening injuries police charged him with felony dui,
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vehicular manslaughter since he tried to runaway. his ex-girlfriend. they should learn from this and not take it lightly it is horrible, it is the biggest tragedy ever. >> reporter: he had just graduated from leland high school and was popular and well liked. the driver and victim were best friends. he had just recently enrolled in santa barbara community college and had plans to go on to be a counsellor. the 16-year-old novato high school student facing charges in the crash last week that killed a classmate has been released from hospital. he has been booked in juvenile hall on suspicion of drunk driving, and vehicular manslaughter. a veteran san jose police officer, is under investigation after parents of a 15-year-old boy, say that the cop pretended to arrest their son for having sex with his 14-year-old step daughter. the officer says he didn't fake
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an arrest, the boy was charged, with unlawful sexual intercourse after his parents complained about the officer. the mercury news said the girl was also cited, the officer is on administrative leave. >> check of other stories making headlines, south san francisco police are looking for a parolee they believe pimped out his mentally disabled girlfriend at least six different times, 27-year- old nicklas advertised his 21- year-old girlfriend on the internet. authorities say that she has a form of autism, and has the mental capacity of a 12-year- old. meanwhile oakland police are looking for a suspect who attacked two separate women near lake merit sunday night both were robbed and sexually assaulted. police released this sketch of the suspect women are being told to be alert and stay in well lighted areas. and san francisco is a step closer to expanding its ban on
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tobacco sales at stores that have pharmacies that would include safeway and costco. supervisors today gave it initial approval the mayor says he will sign it when it gets to his desk. >> there were not enough votes to over ride the mayors promised veto of a new fee on alcoholic drinks in bars and restaurants the money would have gone toward alcohol treatment programs the mayor called it antti business. ville fied for their giant public salaries, now 8 current and former leaders in l.a. county former city of bell are under arrest including former city manager who was making almost $800,000 a year. also arrested, his assistant making $376,000 as well as the mayor and other city council members. by comparison the average resident of bell makes $30,000 a year. the city leaders face charges of misuse of funds and voter fraud. the da calls it a case of corruption on steroids.
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coming up, reasoning out of places to put the dearly departed how you can get a rare piece of real estate to live out the after life. obesity taking its toll in ways beyond just health. also impacting income and why women are hurt the most pgh >> better than pills? >> we found it was superior to standard of care >> how video games can ease pain. coming up in minutes i'm bored with my toys.
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sally, you don't need toys when you have... ♪ imagination ♪ imagination ♪ imagination ♪ helps you see the world in different ways ♪ yay! yay! ♪ this is a pony ♪ and this is a choo-choo ♪ [ male announcer ] it's movie time. and this is a... [ male announcer ] with a wii twist. what is this? [ male announcer ] netflix now delivers unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through wii. plus dvds by mail. all for only 9 bucks a month. ♪ how do i know if i'm getting a good deal? you should talk to the specialist. the specialist? he compares rates side by side. you could save hundreds. it's eas great. okay, pickles! do your thing. [ bell rings ] that's amazing! i trained him myself. i meant the... okay.
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llr!click today. >> a plan to build an in and out burger in pleasant hill is being met with resistance from walnut creek. they like the location because it is visible from the freeway but backs up against a walnut creek neighbourhood and neighbors say the city won't see any tax revenue from it. they are concerned about traffic, noise and trash. real estate buyers these days have their pick of properties at bargain prices, but one choice location in pleasanton has a waiting list of hundreds and they are charging top dollar, robert lisles on a place that has people dying to get in. sorry robert. >> reporter: well, dana, everyone knows in real estate there are three rules to live by, location, location
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location, here in pleasanton it seem it is rule also applies in death as well. that is because in 94566 it is not just hefty home prices, because there is only one cemetery there is a hefty price for the here after as well. pleasanton nearly 66,500 souls above ground but below ground the population is expected to explode by 400 less the souls. >> 200 burial vaults which would be for coffins and 200 cremation vaults. >> reporter: they are expected to be the first to go for coffins. >> they not only want to live in pleasanton >> they want to live here forever. >> reporter: this eternal subdivision has a name the pioneer cemetery it is under going a gentrification of sorts. see the cemetery was originally run by the international order
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of odd fellows. they just sold it to the city. [ wind chimes ] >> reporter: once parks and recks took it over it was clear the dearly departed were exceeding real estate so bereaved were turned away. >> it would have been very nice we called and they said there was nothing available. >> reporter: karen wanted to bury her mother at pioneer to be close by she had to settle on two hours away. >> we we buried her in auburn, it is a cute little cemetery but two hours away and i don't know how often we will get there to see her. >> reporter: the demand is so high there is a waiting list of 300 so they turned this unused tract into double vaults. so come october 1st, homeowners here get a first dibs at buying up to two plots, but rest six feet under comes at a cost, $10,098 each.
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>> this is in the mid-rage not on the high end,. >> reporter: now they say mid- range because more than $10,000 vaults includes prepaid burial services and it locks in the price. speaking of locking in, the city has done a lot to lock out speculators, they are now saying that the hereafter cannot be flipped for profit in fact the vaults can only be resold or sold back to the city. dana. >> too expensive for me i will just have to live. >> reporter: i think you have a few dollars to afford this. >> thank you so much. well, it is pretty well known obesity can have a cost medically. well, now we are learning that cost is much higher for women. researchers look at earnings potential and learned larger women earn less money and over weight men see no impact. the result can be thousands of
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dollars, when you consider factors of higher health care costearlier mortality the cost is more. playing video games can be mind numbing. how one kind of game may work like a narcotic to relieve pain. >> most kids love video games. >> reporter: you are sliding on your tummy. >> luge game. >> reporter: flying through winter wonder land. >> 3d and imher sieve. >> reporter: at the same time california scientists say you are controlling how your brain rewants to pain. >> -- reacts to pain. >> we found vr was comparable to standard of care. >> reporter: virtual reality video games. if you are in pain the activity of playing the games not only takes your mind off the pain it
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works on your brain as a pain reliever. students were fitted with vr gear and played games as they under went a special mri brain scan as they played they got short mildly painful bursts of heat, the brain scans show they did not feel a lot of pain. >> what is going on? one belief, virtual reality games may increase activity in a part of the brain that inhibits painful stimuli that creates an opiate like response and you feel good. >> reporter: a big potential benefit especially for kids. >> they are getting stuck with needles having ivs placed surgical procedures it is those kids exposed to multiple interventions that can end up later on developing a fear response. >> reporter: that may be sweetened one day by a whole new reality. cbs 5 health watch. >> lawrence in for roberta i see him slide around the newsroom like that on his belly. interesting. >> yeah, that would be some
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good video. back to reality folks. we have the end of summer coming this is the last full day today. well, moon out there tonight a couple clouds floating on through. patch of fog trying to reform out toward the coastline the good news we will sneak into sunshine tomorrow, the last part day of summer temperatures 70s. inland, 60s and 70s inside the bay, couple patches of fog out toward the coastline. 50s and 60s around the bay area, but we are going to end this summer the way we started we got the trough of low pressure along the west coast temperatures running below average along the west coast all summer long. tomorrow breezy conditions lots of sunshine in the afternoon most spots winds kicking up like today. so with that in mind tomorrow morning a couple patches of fog early on, through the day that will clear out nicely a lot of sunshine in spots temperatures down a bit. plan on highs mainly 60s and 70s around the bay area,
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warmest temperatures interior valley, wind sheltered spots, numbers running up to 74 degrees. concord, 75 santa rosa, 69 san raphael as we look toward the next couple days, fall will make a return to the bay area, nice weather around, 80s. 90s showing up as we head into friday offshore winds temperatures near 70 degrees out toward the coastline. that is a look at weather news out toward the coastline. that is a look at weather news and sports coming up next ,,,,,, 3q
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experience the new air wick scent ribbons candle from our winter luxury edition.
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with essential oils infusing luxurious ribbons, new air wick candles wrap the whole room with ribbon after ribbon of indulgent scent... like apple and sheer cinnamon. winter luxury by air wick. also available in scented oils. paperwork-- of buying home... and it's the subject of tonight's good quesion... "e is "title insura part of the pain and paperwork of buying a home and subject of tonight's good question. exactly what is title insurance and what does it cover. to says the a buyers market in housing right now is an under statement. in fact the latest government figures show a 12 month supply of homes out there just waiting to be snapped up. before you buy, do your homework. >> the classic story, the brooklyn bridge we've all heard you know, going to buy the bridge but if he had title
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insurance he would have known the bridge didn't belong to that bad guy. >> real estate attorney has been untangling real estate problems for decades a good title insurance policy can uncover a lot. >> tax liens, legal documents on title lots of things that a buyer is not interested in having on his property. >> title insurance is just what it says, insurance that the property you are purchasing is free and clear and exactly what you thing it is. >> title insurance company does is gives the buy era preliminary report that says these are the things that are on this title, and they will stay there unless they are removed. >> title insurance costs differ by region and state but here in california, it is typically 1% of the purchase price. but it is money well spent. >> they only do it maybe once in their lifetimes that is when they make the biggest
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investment of their lives buying a house. >> i need your good questions send them to me at >> giants could get their insurance policy back earlier. as they say, one is ♪ the wrightnows [ doorbell rings ] buy some peanut brittle and help raise money -- peanut brittle! wanna watch a movie? now!? now. now? yeah, now. right here, right now? right now! really? let's do this. really? get in here! okay. [ male announcer ] netflix now delivers unlimited movies 2 ways -- instantly to your tv, plus dvds by mail. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] watch as many tv episodes and movies
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torres could be back in the line-up in time for this weekend's huge series against colorado..and they need his bat.. >> injured lead off hitter torres could be back in line up in time for this weekend's
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series in colorado. the series opener was delayed for over an hour but that did not botter carlos, struck out 8 giants, threw six shut out innings, only two strike outs for cane but allowed two, he escaped the scoring by giving bird into the double play, cane got a no decision. a scoreless game. 8th inning, buster posey, see the 400-foot sign, it went 401, his 15th of the year, 1-0 giants was it enough. brian wilson. >> reporter: 44 saves of the season and the giants get 1 wrong and it is enough. tracy trying to keep his head up, rockys in arizona. johnson smashes a 2 run home run. d backs beat them 3-1. meanwhile in los angeles tonight, padres, ludwig hits a 2 run base hit in the third. padres won 6-0 remain on the giants heals in the national
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league west. here is what it means 11 games left, half game lead on the padres, 2.5 over the rockies, white sox playing out in oakland, kay hill gets 17th of the year. 8 inning, gave up 2 runs, fourth inning, pennington. we have lift off. hopefully, pierre has an insurance policy on that shoulder. carter score, try to, ease across, 2 hits tonight and as win 7-2. i have in my hand what is tonight, tuesday night top five. spider man go into a tangled web. leftfielder matt diaz got the take down 17-year-old sean hagan seen leaving the police station with his get up on. at number 4, airborne with the full extension. beats seattle tonight. good one. number 3, francisco, strikes
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out gomez to end the game, see that. see that. one more time. oh, okay number two, matt holiday may be back but not playing like it. holiday hustle. cardinals still lose man they got sliding aren't they pirates win 5-2. twins and indians, hudson makes the diving catch. want the know why roberta is off tonight? twins just clinched [ crowd cheering ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] 2-scoop sundae, water and a free mlb® mini helmet compliments of aquafina. baskin-robbins.
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